ƒ[|CAVlink=-v1.0-=byCitrus|]ƒ for mirc 4.6 - HELP FILE To use this you must have mirc 4.6, get it at http://mirc.stealth.net INSTALLING ---------- Copy and Paste the sections from the CAVM.txt file, into the top of thier respective sections. If your default user level isn't 1, then change each event/command accordingly. *** THE DEFAULT USERLEVEL IS IN A LIL BOX IN THE REMOTE WINDOW *** USING CAVLINK ------------- Once you're connected, either via /cavlink, or /ctcp yournick CLINK, you'll need to know the commands to use. /cavlink - links you to cavhub /csay - say something to the channel /cact - do an action in the channel /cmsg - msg with /cwho - see who is currently on caverns /cwhois [] - either get whois info from , or if left blank, the current channel /cavping [] - either get ping info from , or if left blank, the current channel /cver [] - either get version info from , or if left blank, the current channel /cnick - change nicks on caverns /caway [] - set away on caverns /cback [] - set back on caverns /cluser - check current linked user stats /ckline - check current k-lines /cquit [] - quit from caverns FLOODING -------- Now that you've accostomed yourself to the regular commands, lets go into the flooding. /cvfld [] - version flood , if the number is left out, it defaults to 6 Example: /cvfld lamer ^ This would flood "lamer" the default 6 times /cpfld [] - ping flood , if the number is left out, it defaults to 6 Example: /cpfld lamer ^ This would flood "lamer" the default 6 times /cmfld [] [] - message flood , if the number is left out, it defaults to 6, if the message is left out, it uses a neato prefab message. Example: /cmfld lamer HI MR LAMER! ^ This would flood "lamer" with the message "HI MR LAMER!" the default 6 times /cbomb [] - dcc bomb , if the number is left out, it defaults to 6. Example: /cbomb lamer 2 ^ This would DCC bomb "lamer" 2 times /cqfld [] [] - quote flood, just like using /raw. if the number is left out, it defaults to 6. dont' leave out the command tho. and remember to use ":" to separate commands. Example: /cqfld 2 privmsg lamer :Hi, we're rockin you ^ This would send the raw command "privmsg lamer :Hi, we're rockin you" 2 times AN THAS IT!@ Thanks to all the boys in mircscripts that helped out, and fuck webba cas he ripped this, SO DONT USE HIS VERSION. ### EOF CAVM HELP